Awakening is to become intimate with yourself and the world. It’s a path of deep healing, where the connection between your body and mind is restored. Gradually, you can let go of layer after layer of fear and embody life in its full intensity. You can open up to your higher wisdom and become a co-creator in this world.
Yoga is a path of transformation for both the body and the mind. Today, there are hundreds of different yogas developed for different needs. In the yoga of Body Mind Love, we focus on Pratyahara or interoception – the hidden door to yourself and your inner world. In this process, we use a gradual path in six steps where your body and mind open up in a natural and gentle way.
Loving yourself is the starting point for all deep transformation. Love for yourself and others is the foundation of life. In yoga this is called Ahimsa, non-violence. In modern psychology, it’s called self-love or self-compassion.
When you accept yourself, the war is over and you can build your life on peace. Now, you can consciously relax and open the doors to your inner world. In yoga, this is called Pratyahara. In science it’s called interoception.
When you let go of tension, you can enjoy the wonders of the sensual world. A wide variety of pleasures through your sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch – and many more, less known senses – are now at your disposal.
Your breathing is a mirror of your life. The smallest change in your mood is reflected in the way you breathe. When you let go of tension, your breathing opens up. In yoga the art of breathing is called Pranayama.
Now, when you’re safe and relaxed, your senses are open and your breathing is free, you can move your body in a totally new way. You can be steady (sthira) and at ease (sukka) in your postures (asana).
Our natural state is to be relaxed, awake and aware. Unfortunately, we’re trained to let our minds constantly get caught in disturbing thoughts and emotions. Meditation is returning to ourselves and our natural mind.
Hi, my name is Peter Appel. For over 20 years, I have studied different traditions of yoga and meditation. I’m also a Mental Trainer, a dance facilitator and a life-long student of somatic traditions. In my work as a yoga teacher, I include elements from psychology, Buddhist philosophy, trauma therapy and brain science. In my experience, old and new knowledge in combination with your own insights, can be immensely powerful on your personal path to healing and wholeness.
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"When we started, I could only breathe very high in my ribcage, it was like I had a strap across my chest. During our breathing classes, I gradually understood what breathing is. When I learned to breathe, that was when I started to live."
"When I first tried to relax, I mostly fell asleep. But then one day, I noticed that I could go into deep relaxation AND stay awake. That experience opened a totally new world for me. Now, I often spontaneously slip into this wonderful place."
"During a period in my life when I felt low, Peter invited me to a class in free dancing. Later that night, when I drove my 13 miles back home, my face was one big smile. Since then dancing has become a way for me to connect with myself and my life energy."
"Free dancing is for me a way to return to my soul. In my everyday life, I often swallow my feelings and emotions. But when I dance, there’s a rush of good energy that cleans away all that’s old and outworn, and brings me back to myself."
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